Client Stories

"My life was unstable and I felt like I had no escape." Thanks to you, Krystal is feeling better and more hopeful today!
Krystal ran away from home to escape physical and emotional abuse from her dad and step-mom. As a result, she ended up in foster care but struggled to feel safe and connect with the new family. Nearly every decision about her life had to be approved by the court system, and she felt she had little control. She struggled to...
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Denise's life felt chaotic and directionless. Thanks to you, she got treatment for her depression and is feeling like herself again.
Lacking a support system and appropriate care, 45-year-old Denise was struggling. She was not on proper medications for her depression and was hospitalized quite often. “My life was chaotic, and I did not have much direction,” she says. Thanks to your compassionate support, Denise received the mental health care she needed and the structure that was missing in her life....
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Lauren escaped abuse but was living in her car. Thank you for helping her find safe shelter and a path to permanency!
Lauren survived an abusive relationship but found herself living in her car. Without safe shelter, finding a job was difficult. But without a job, finding housing was even harder. With each rejection, Lauren’s self-worth plummeted further. She was spiraling downward. Thanks to your generosity, Lauren was able to get the resources, counseling and support she needed to get her life back...
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Tania didn't know where she would sleep or eat next. Thank you for making sure she was safe and cared for!
“My life was bad,” says 16-year-old Tania. “I was doing drugs and drinking alcohol. I hadn’t been to a dentist, regular doctor check-up, or eye doctor in years. I wasn’t going to school. I was always out and about in the streets, and going from place to place for somewhere to sleep.” Tania was struggling with family issues, including an...
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Dorthy was mad at the world. Thank you for helping her thrive!
14-year-old Dorthy felt constantly on edge and couldn’t control her anger. “Life was confusing and I was always mad at everyone,” she says. “I did not know how to control my emotions and feelings.” Dorthy was struggling in her relationships with her mother, father and younger brother, as well as at school. She sought help at her school’s Wellness Center...
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Thanks to you, Gabriel no longer fears the bathroom. What a relief for mom & dad!
5-year-old Gabriel was so afraid to use the bathroom that he would hold his poop for days. He even ended up in the ER for constipation. His parents worried that their attempts to help Gabriel use the toilet only made him more fearful. His family was missing out on family gatherings and outings due to his frequent accidents and tantrums....
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Thanks to you, Laura isn't afraid to go home anymore. Your support gave her safe shelter and a path forward free of violence.
Laura was scared and anxious when she walked into our office on a Friday afternoon. She was too afraid to go back home and had nowhere else to turn. Thanks to you and your generosity, Laura was able to get immediate safe shelter and the support that she needed – both legal and emotional – to permanently escape from her...
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Mia was trapped by her mental illness. Thank you for freeing her to live again
Mia was in her first year of college when she went from being a high functioning, straight-A student to being in a catatonic state. She experienced obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) behaviors that kept her trapped in her room for days on end with little food or water. Thanks to you and your support, when Mia reached out for help, she got the...
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"I don't know if I would have been able to leave. I'm still haunted by the statistic where women return to their abuser."
“Life was hard, but I didn’t know any better,” says 35-year-old Yasmin. “I feel like I was too close to that lifestyle [of abuse] that I did not recognize there was a problem. I didn’t have the confidence or belief that I could leave and that I deserved to be treated better.” Yasmin’s friend, Maria, told her about Community Solutions...
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Homeless and addicted, Jim didn't think he was worth helping. Thank you for believing in Jim until he could believe in himself.
“I was homeless, sleeping on the sidewalk,” says 52-year-old Jim, “I didn’t eat, and I was on the most amount of drugs.” At the time, Jim was also struggling with untreated mental health and medical conditions. Though he was offered housing and mental health care, Jim struggled to engage. “I just couldn’t understand why they chose me to help, so...
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